Hackney of Tomorrow

Hackney of Tomorrow is our Children in Care Council. It is made up of young people in care and care leavers from Hackney, aged between 12 – 25.
We have a junior group for young people aged 12-16, a senior group for young people aged 17 – 25, and a group for unaccompanied asylum seeking young people who are looked after by Hackney.
What does it do?
All groups within Hackney of Tomorrow aim to represent the voice of young people in care and come up with new ideas about how to change and improve services for young people in Hackney.
Members of Hackney of Tomorrow often take part in paid work experience projects, such as:
- running training programmes for foster carers and social workers
- developing training resources such as videos and leaflets
- interviewing new social workers as part of Hackney’s recruitment process
- carrying out youth inspections, which focus on the different services offered to children in care and care leavers from Hackney.
Most importantly, members of Hackney of Tomorrow are responsible for presenting their views and ideas to senior management and local councillors every three months at Hackney’s Corporate Parenting Board.
Each group also attends the Pan London Children in Care Council meetings, where they have the opportunity to discuss their ideas and recent projects with children in care and care leavers from all other London boroughs.
When does it meet?
Each group meets once a fortnight via Google Meet.
All meetings take place after 5pm so that young people can join after school, college or work.
We also meet in person at Hackney Town Hall, so if you are close enough to come into Hackney, you can expect some pizza and the chance to meet other young people.
All young people in care or who are care leavers are invited to attend.
How do I take part?
If you’d like to get involved with Hackney of Tomorrow, please get in touch with Alice, our Participation Officer. You can give her a call or send her a text on 07835 137089, or you could also send her an email at alice prosser@hackney.gov.uk.