How much do you really know?

Our Substance Misuse Team want to give you the FACTS about drugs and alcohol, you can only make the best decisions once you know all the facts right?
So this rounds fact list is about Xanax and here are a few things you should know:
- Xanax takes days to leave the body completely, but the noticeable effects disappear in a few hours. As the effects fade, your brain tries to maintain the warm fuzzy feeling which triggers an unpleasant comedown.
- Xanax can cause insomnia
- Fake Xanax purchased from any illegal source raises the risk of overdose by 30%. You just don’t know what’s in your pill, your bar or wrap.
- Xanax is not registered for use in the UK, so if you’re offered Xanax it’s illegal
- Never combine Xanax with alcohol or other sedatives
- Stopping Xanax abruptly is dangerous and can cause unpleasant withdrawal effects like low mood and anxiety.
- Xanax is not a coping mechanism – if you experience depression, anxiety, insomnia, or trauma, taking drugs like Xanax without prescription may make your problem worse
Remember: ALL drugs come with risks.
As well as providing confidential support for individuals our substance misuse team also provide sessions/workshops in schools and youth provisions around the borough. To contact them please visit this link: Substance Misuse Service