Self Love Challenge
We want to challenge you to love yourself a little more, starting right now!
Often February is about Valentines Day, showing your nearest and dearest some love and appreciation, which is really great. But we also think showing yourself some love is really great too! Our Self Love Challenge is about intentionally taking care of yourself and putting in the time and effort to improving how you make yourself feel.
Caring more about your health (mental and physical), thinking about your own well-being (your own happiness) , moments of self acclamation (which basically means telling yourself things like “I’m pretty great” “Well done me” “I am proud of myself “) and spending quality time with yourself!
All these acts of self love help us feel more confident and allow us to appreciate ourselves more.
“Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line”
We have made it super easy for you by creating a 5 tips challenge to help you love yourself some more…
- Every morning have a moment of self acclamation. Example: ‘I love my outfit today’ we know it’s a bit weird to talk to yourself especially it this way but trust us…it works! Give yourself a little positive reinforcement, it goes a long way.
- Do one thing a week for your mental and/or physical health. Example: Play a sport you like, talk to someone you trust about anything, write in a journal , diary or notebook about what’s on your mind, read, draw, whatever you like to do to look after your body and mind.
- Take time at the end of each day to unload! Have a long bath or shower, play your favourite music, dance around your room. Be silly!
- If you mess up or get something wrong, give yourself a break! Don’t be too hard on yourself the best of us make mistakes. Repeat after us “No worries, i’ll get it next time”
- And finally…LAUGH. Watch some silly videos of cats or a comedy and have a really good belly laugh, at least once a week…its necessary!
Good luck…you’ve got this!