Young Hackney Sexual and Reproductive Health Promotion Launch

The City and Hackney Public Health has teamed up with Young Hackney to offer an all-round service to help residents aged 16 to 24 make healthy and informed choices about their sexual and reproductive lives.

The service which launched on Wednesday 15 June will signpost young people to sexual health services, give personal and confidential advice and provide resources as well as offering free condoms.

Young people aged 16 to 24 have greater sexual health needs than other age groups as they tend to have higher rates of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). In City and Hackney, between 1 January 2019 and 30 September 2019, young people accounted for almost 27% of STI diagnoses made outside of sexual health clinics.

The overall aim of the project is for young people in Hackney and the City to experience good sexual health and wellbeing and to engage in healthy sexual behaviours.

Young people can access free condoms and lubricant from a range of local venues, which include pharmacies, GP practices, youth hubs and colleges. The full list of outlets participating in the scheme can be found here:

Young Hackney’s Health & Wellbeing Team provides drop-in services at Forest Road and The Edge Youth Hubs. More information can be found here:

Testing, treatment, advice and support can also be accessed from CHYPS Plus:

For general information about sexual health services in Hackney, please visit

For general information about sexual health services in the City of London, please visit:
