Results Day Fail?

You didn’t get the grades. It’s a horrible feeling, but it’s not the end of the world. Now’s a good time to look at what else is out there, and consider whether you could take a different path to get where you want to go.
Before you do anything, give yourself some time to consider your options. If you’re set on a career that requires a degree, and you know you can improve on your grades with a little bit of focus, it may be worth another go around.
However, you may feel on reflection that uni isn’t for you. Bear in mind that the high cost of tuition fees, together with living expenses, could leave you with a debt of over £40,000 after university. It’s a serious commitment.
If a degree isn’t going to help you in your chosen career, look at the alternatives and keep sight of the fact that there are plenty of options. Stay positive – after all, Alan Sugar left school without any qualifications, and he did ok.
What are my options?
Retakes If you feel that you didn’t do yourself justice, it’s worth considering retakes. Take time out to think what you could do better next time – if it’s better preparation, a more disciplined approach to revision, maybe putting the work in (!). Make a note of what you did right and what you did wrong, come up with a plan for success, and follow the advice you’ve just given yourself.
Apprenticeships and Traineeships Apprenticeships are now viewed by many big-name companies as a way of for talented young people to fast-track their carer, and they’re offered up to degree level. For advice, information and a London-wide search facility, check out the Connexions site
Get on the Career Ladder Cut to the chase, get a job. Contact Ways into Work to get support and advice on the latest local vacancies. A good start would be to attend the Hackney Job Show and Enterprise Fair in early September – it’s free to attend, and there will be plenty of potential employers, information about apprenticeships, plus employability workshops and advice about interviews, CV writing and more.
Take some time out
If you really feel you don’t know what to do, or where to go, go out into the world to get some inspiration (sometimes getting lost is the best way to find yourself). Whether you volunteer, go travelling, or take a short-term job, you’ll find out where your strengths lie, perhaps find out what you don’t like doing, and build skills experience and insight that will help you in the years ahead. Prospects has a few tips on how to choose the best option for choosing how to spend your gap year.
More advice and support
Go online for the latest advice and one-to-one support from Hackney Careers Advice Plus