Winter blues?

Too many grey days in a row? Feeling stressed out by revision for mocks? It can be a difficult time of year, January – the lack of sun, long nights, rain, cold and all the rest of life’s problems.
If the bad days are stretching into bad weeks, it’s harder to get motivated and do anything about it. But there are a few small steps you can take to make yourself feel better.
- Connect with positive people – friends, family or relatives. Talking is good! If you’re feeling depressed or isolated, let someone know – if you’re worried you’re burdening friends by talking about how you feel, you can always talk to a youth worker, your GP or visit an advice service such as the Off Centre (see the link below).
- Be active – any exercise releases endorphins, which are the natural ‘feel good’ chemicals in your brain. Working out really does make you feel better. You don’t have to start training for a marathon – a walk in the park can lift your mood.
- Keep interested – try learning something you haven’t learnt before, listen to new music, read a book
- Commit a random act of kindness – make someone else feel good about themselves, and you’ll get instant karmic feedback.
Feeling too blue? Get help!
- Off Centre is a counselling, therapy, advocacy, advice and psychosocial service for young people aged between 11 and 25 who live, work or study in Hackney. The service is free, confidential and aimed at helping Hackney’s young people to have greater control over their lives. They help people with all kinds of emotional issues. Visit the Off Centre website to find out more.
- CHYPS Plus, Hackney’s health service for young people has some tips on their website on mindfulness and relaxation – good advice if you’re feeling stressed out. Click here to visit the website.
- Don’t forget ChildLine counsellors are available all year round. You can call, email or go on the website for a one-to-one chat visit Childline to find out more.