Lets talk about it

It’s #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek

And although we think mental health should be a topic of conversation more often, we definitely think this week should be used as an opportunity to question what we really know about mental health. Why we find it so awkward to talk about? And where can we get support if we need it?

Right so lets just address the myths quickly and get some things straight…

  1. Mental health is very important JUST AS important as physical health
  2. Needing support with your mental health is MORE THAN OKAY, just like you might need support in the gym for that summer body!
  3. Mental health can have many layers to it… think of it like an onion
  4. Repeat after us, words like ‘mad’ ‘crazy’ ‘loony’ ‘psycho’ ARE NOT OKAY to use towards ANYONE struggling with their mental health, no matter how casual you may think you’re saying it
  5. Mental health is a real thing and it CAN affect young people, don’t let anyone down play your mental health just because you are young

Okay now that’s out the way, we want you to know that Young Hackney is a place you can come for support with your mental health. We are here to support your well-being and that includes your mental well-being. And you don’t have to be experiencing super extreme issues to need support, whatever you are feeling don’t feel like it’s silly to ask for help. It’s not.

You might be feeling low and don’t know why, may think you might be a bit depressed but don’t really know what that means, you may be going through a time in your life that is making  you feel really stressed like exams, a break-up, friendships, family issues or you might need to talk to someone about anxiety… ALL these emotions contribute to your mental health, they are normal emotions and its good to talk about them. In-fact it’s great to talk about them.

Mental health can only become less awkward to talk about if we start talking about it.

Young Hackney support: 0208 356 1343 or David.Wright@Hackney.gov.uk

Off-centre support: 020 8986 4016 or http://www.offcentre.org.uk/

Young Minds support: https://youngminds.org.uk/find-help/your-guide-to-support/need-to-talk/
