October Half Term!

Relax and enjoy a well deserved break from school!
This October half-term we have a great programme of activities going on at all our hubs and adventure playgrounds.
From multi sports to film nights, there’s something going on for everyone…we even heard there will be a Tik Tok dance challenge!
This half-term will also include a variety of amazing workshops and sessions celebrating Black History Season.
Including guest speakers, quizzes, debates & discussions, cooking sessions, t-shirt making using African prints and materials, a virtual Black history tour and so much more!
Get involved and find out all we have going on here.
How to attend:
In following government guidance to help keep everyone safe, we have limited spaces available at our hubs. We aim to accommodate as many young people as possible.
- You must pre-register for sessions at our youth hubs by completing this form.
- We will only be able to offer spaces at our hubs to young people who live in Hackney.
- It’s important to us that everyone gets a chance to attend, therefore spaces will be allocated week by week.
Please do not attend the hubs unless we have contacted you to confirm your place via text or phone call.
Keeping safe at our hubs:
- You must wash your hands when you arrive at our hubs.
- Please remember to social distance at all times.
- If you or a member of your household is feeling unwell or showing any symptoms of Covid-19 (fever/high temperature, dry cough, loss of taste or smell) please do not come to the hubs or playgrounds. Call your local GP or visit NHS online for further support.
If you have any questions and would like to talk to one of our Young Hackney workers please call on 020 8356 7404 9am-5pm or email us at yh.online@hackney.gov.uk at any time.