What's going on for young people in Hackney
Off Centre is a psychotherapy, counselling, advice, information and guidance service for young people aged 16-25 in City and Hackney. Our services are free, confidential and designed to help young people take greater control over their lives. We offer a range of emotional and practical support including 1-2-1 counselling, psychotherapy and creative arts therapies as well as advice and information and a range of group sessions.
For more information, please contact
T: 020 8986 4016
E: OffCentre@family-action.
W: https://www.family-action.
Growing Minds
Growing Minds aims to improve the emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people (aged 11-25) in City and Hackney. The service works with African, Caribbean and mixed heritage young people and offers a range of therapies and interventions. For referrals and more info please email
E: HackneyGrowingMinds@family-
W: https://www.family-action.
Project Indigo
Project Indigo is our LGBTQI+ youth group and gives you an opportunity to meet other LGBTQI+ young people in a supportive environment. We also offer private and confidential one to one support. If you would like to join the group, please call this number 07976199876 and come along any Thursday 5.30-7.30pm at Off Centre Unit 7: The Textile Building, 29a-31a Chatham Place, London E9 6FJ (Unit 7 entrance is on Belsham Street)
T: 07976199876
London Borough of Hackney Children and Young People's Service
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