Hackney Youth Parliament – election results!

The results for the 2016 Hackney Youth Parliament elections are now in. Forty-three candidates stood this year – with twenty-four elected to represent young people across the borough.
The election results were announced after a special Q&A debate where young people questioned a Panel of decision-makers including Ella Cox, member of UK Youth Parliament for Hackney, Philip Glanville, Mayor of Hackney, Anntoinette Bramble, Deputy Mayor and Pauline Adams, Head of Young Hackney. Topics debated included opportunities available to young people in the borough.
Twenty-four young people were elected to the Hackney Youth Parliament – thirteen from Hackney North and eleven from Hackney South.
Check out more pictures from the event.
Elected for Hackney North:
- Rapheal Addai
- Wesley Baro
- Tushig Baygal
- Nazmine Begum
- Lola Cleary
- Louis Comach
- Shakarah Edwards
- Skye Fitzgerald Mcshane
- Billie-Jo Moorton-Elderton
- Tarah Norris
- Aisha Pirbhai
- Safaa Pirbhai
- Anwer Siddig
Elected for Hackney South:
- Emmanuel Akin
- Nyah Buffong
- Khadesha Hibbert
- Femi Ijelu
- Rose Ilunga
- Mafio Ison
- Nia John
- Maryam Mohamed
- Kayra Ozsezer
- Kairi Weekes-Sanderson
- Kamani Williams
Four spaces are given to co-optees – from Hackney Gets Heard, the Council for Looked-after Children, The Young Carers Forum and the Disabled Young People’s Forum. Candidates will be going on a residential over the October half-term to determine their programme for the next two years. Previous Youth Parliament campaigns have included #saysomething campaign to raise awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation, and a campaign to combat stereotypical views of young people.